Billy,s Personal fitness Program

Components Of Fitness

Guiding Questions

Guiding Question: What is the difference between health-related and skill-related phsical fitness?

Health-related fitness, when your doing exercise to improve your health, and Skill-related fitness,when your doing exercise to improve your skills

What are the health-related components of fitness?

The five components of health-related physical fitness are: Cardiovascular Fitness, Body Composition, Flexibility, Muscular Strenght, and Muscular Endurance

What are the skill-related components of fitness?

The five components of skill-related fitness are: Speed, Coordination, Balance, Agility, Reaction Time, and Power

Why does a person not have to be a good athlete to be physically fit

Because an athlete's cardiovascular system is more efficient

Why is it important to know your current level of health-related fitness

The condition of our body will determine on how well we perform and how long we will live.